Reading Challenge: The Pile Just Keeps Growing…


Photo CC – by Georg Mayer

Oh boy. I haven’t been looking forward to this reading challenge post because truthfully I haven’t gotten very far. In some ways I have, I said that I liked picking out books from the library that looked interesting and reading them. Which I have been doing! But all these library books have been taking up my time and I still haven’t started on the huge bag of books from my little sister! We’re already half way through the semester and look at me! Oh goodness. It’s a lot of books.

This week I vow to finish my last library book then start on that bag. I already have my first book from it picked out and is sitting in my “read-next” pile, the first Ever After High book. I’m pretty excited to read this one because I’m secretly a huge Monster High and Ever After High nerd. (Alright, it’s not so secret if you see my room. The amount of dolls I own is not okay.) I have three Monster High books that I still haven’t managed to finish so those are up for reading soon as well. Sometime this week I would also like to visit the public library to pick out a stack of children’s books, because that’s always fun. I also have managed to read some books that have been recommended to me by my fellow bloggers that were at the library so that was fun as well. Others that aren’t at the library I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get to.

There are so many books in the world that I want to read, but alas! There aren’t enough hours in the day! Let’s all write a note to our other teachers and responsibilities that excuses us so we can read all day. My “to-read” list is quite the conundrum; the more I finish books off it, the more it grows.

How has your reading and “to-read” list been going? As always, let me know in the comments!

4 thoughts on “Reading Challenge: The Pile Just Keeps Growing…

  1. First, here is the note you should send to your responsibilities and classes.
    “Dear world. Unfortunately, I can only read books for Children’s Lit today. Well, it is fortunate for me but unfortunate for you. Please check back in a week or two to see if I have time for you.” (hahaha)

    Anyway, I have a similar problem to you – as I read one book, I add three more to my list. I am very grateful for my public library as it has saved my wallet!

    I have never read an “Ever After High” or “Monster High” book. You make them sound interesting though! Which one should I start with?


    1. Love the note! Making copies right now 😛 I agree! Libraries are great, and Ebay is also a fairly cheap way to own some books.
      Monster High and Ever After High are separate from each other so it’s up to you, but I would recommend Ever After High. They’re fun books even if you don’t know the series.


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